Saturday, August 23, 2008


Nothing. There is nothing here. No news. No greetings. No...


No Hope...not here.

I'm looking for it here. Looking for something here. Looking for someone here. Looking for

Tired, lonely, hungry, thirsty, anxious and sad I sit down here and stare into it, looking for something.

It's not there.
Empty. Inbox, that is. Nothing to take me away from details. Nothing to distract from the task at hand. Nothing pressing to justify being here. Again. Looking. Looking....

So I look away from it. I turn away from it. I walk away from it to


My Life.

Beautiful, full, loud, rich, messy and delicious.

Faces, looking up. Voices, calling out. Arms, reaching out.

I look back as I pull the door closed behind me.....

Nothing there.

Click, goes the latch as my hand turns the doorknob shut.

Click again, as another door opens into

My life.


Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

I had to read your poetry several times over... it totally moved me, but the photo was the icing on the cake.

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Cheryl, this is SUCH a moving post.... what a beautiful person you are and your writing just makes me stop right in my tracks ALL the time!!

MY inbox was empty yesterday too... hehe... and I took the night off from the computer ALL night!

xo Heather

Jennifer Hayslip said...

What a very moving post sweetie! So beautiful and thought provoking! The lone photo of Andrew is priceless! ((HUGS)) my sweet friend!!! XOXO

Beth said...

awesome post cheryl!!!!!! so wonderful as always !

La Donna Welter said...

this post is so moving....

Anonymous said...

How beautifully written! What a talent you are. Love the photo too, how sweet.

Just Between Us Girls said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of your darling in the doorway and your thought provoking post. Great work Cheryl. Pop over to my blog. I have a surprise for you.
Love and hugs,

Miss Rhea said...

Your baby is such a sweetie. :) Hope your pretties arrived and you liked them. :)

Andrea said...

what an interesting post of such lovely thoughts! i had to read it twice also!

kathy with a k said...

I've been there...

Alison Gibbs said...

Cheryl great post and sweet photo of your liitle man

Betty said...

Cheryl, I hope your sweet little family is keeping you happy today.