With Valentine's Day over I am turning my attention to Easter....I KNOW....I'm as bad as the stores, right? But I really LOVE Easter. I love the meaning of Easter. I love colors of Easter. But most of all, I think, I love the MEMORIES of Easter.

Easter in my childhood was not about the Easter bunny but it WAS magical. We had egg hunts. We had Easter baskets. We dyed Easter eggs and put those little "sleeves" on them. We had a new dress, a hat, white patent leather Mary Jane shoes, white gloves and a fresh new pair of lacey anklets! We usually had curly hair, fresh out of sponge curlers, too! And keep in mind, I was the first of FIVE GIRLS! As a mama of two girls, I have a whole new appreciation for what all five of us, dressed to the hilt, sitting in church mostly on time (mostly!) really MEANT.
Here's my first grade photo, in which I am wearing one of my most FAVORITE Easter dresses. It had a bunny on the front of the pinnafore, which you can't see! I was itty-bitty, even then...I still have this dress and my daughter, Emily, could wear it when she was FOUR.

And this is a digression, but here is my Emily, who is now in first grade herself! She is showing off her "Valentine Mailbox" and a nice bruise! But you can see the resemblance...

Now of course the fun is watching my children enjoy Easter. The Easter Bunny is a fixture in our home and we leave a plate of carrots on the porch for him to snack on when he brings the kids' baskets. I enjoy dressing my kids up for church on Sunday and watching them hunt for eggs in the yard Easter afternoon.

But something else I also enjoy is DECORATING for Easter. I have not yet found my box of Easter decorations since we've moved in, however, and I'm beginning to feel a bit of a panic! Easter is still a little way away but not THAT far. I need that box! It's in the garage which is still a wreck but I really want to find that box in the next couple weeks.

In the MEANTIME....I am IN LOVE with the Easter decor I've found lately! It took every ounce of self-control I could muster up not to buy almost every bit of the vintage-inspired Easter decor in Michael's the other day. OH MY GOSH. Has anyone else seen these sweet things???? Soooooo sweet!!!!

But I've found some even LOVELIER creations out there in cyberspace of late and I really MUST show you my favorites. You don't mind, do you???? ;)
So let's go, Sweets....it's Monday and due time for a Monday Yummies trip, and I think an Easter-Themed trip would be oh-so-fun!

For a change of pace, let's hop in this sweet little hot air balloon with these darling chicks! They will be good company as we fly through cyberspace together, oohing and aahing at all the yummy things!

Hop in!
And away we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my VERY FAVORITE thing I have seen this season. I am quite simply IN LOVE with it! My dear friend, Pat, made it and she is selling these sets both on etsy and eBay. I have one of her eggs made of vintage chenille and let me tell you....they are INCREDIBLE. First of all, this is HUGE. This one is TEN INCHES LONG. And they are STUFFED with dried French lavender. And just LOOK at the matching pillow with all that vintage chenille and the dear vintage Easter image. I just love it. LOVE IT!

YUMMY THING TWO: Easter Collage by Jenny's BakeshopIt's no secret I adore Jenny and Aaron's yummy creations but there is something particularly edible about this one....and their "palette" is just PERFECT for Easter, don't you think?
YUMMY THING THREE: Welcome Spring Pendant by Tickle Me Pink Boutique I fell upon this pendant on etsy and I just love it. It has a vintage feel and would be so sweet hung around a neck, on an Easter tree or even from a hook somewhere in my home.

I rediscovered "The Hope Jar" this last week. I know I'd visited there at least once before but maybe I didn't really search her store? I'm not sure. But I was so impressed with her sweet store. Another of those gorgeous stores designed by Sadie Olive. This is an aside, but did you see Sadie Olive's home in Romantic Homes? OMG....so lovely. ANYWAY...these little sweeties are just charming, don't you think? And so reasonably priced!
YUMMY THING FIVE: Sweetest Easter Basket by "The Hope Jar" So this has nothing to do with Easter. But I just about SWOONED when I saw it and I knew you would, as well. DELISH, right???

And one more thing by Joy. This is a vintage Southern Belle that she framed in a really sweet way. Isn't it precious? I've got Southern Belles on the brain and sometime in the next few weeks you'll see why. It's a whole new "line" I'm working on and I am SEW excited about it!
YUMMY THING EIGHT: Clara the Bunny by Pom and Whimsy This is a sweet little bunny! She would be just perfect in a little one's Easter basket. I have some bunnies for my kids' baskets already but if I hadn't already picked them out, this one would be MINE. Hmmmmm....maybe MAMA needs an Easter basket.....
YUMMY THING NINE: An Easter Ride by Faerie WindowLori is so talented and just as SWEET AS CAN BE, to boot. I love everything she makes but her sculptures are my favorite. There is a whimsical, fanciful quality about them that really appeals to me. I was drawn to her work well before I knew her and now that I "know" her, I am even MORE of a fan! These sweeties would be just dear displayed on a side table or other special spot this Spring.

Here's another artist I've noticed lately. She made both these yummy Easter pieces and though they are really different from one another, I love them both equally!

This is an artist I've never featured before but that's not for lack of love! If you're a flickr fool like me you have probably "favorited" one of her creations, gone to her profile to see where it's for sale, only to discover that these are just her personal creations or gifts, for the most part! BUT....I'm happy to say, Liz has opened her own etsy shoppe, so while she is new to etsy, she is definitely not new to creating. Go
HERE to see the amazing creations she has made. And
HERE is her new
etsy shoppe where some of her work is for sale. This is a gal to watch, Sweets!

I've been having a blast working on some new Easter items myself. Some are things I've been dreaming about since before Christmas! These are all available starting today. The pillow/sachet sets are already listed in my Etsy shoppe and the little Easter baskets, and I just added the pink glass bunny boxes, vintage paper tussie mussie and all the baskets. MOst of these are one-of-a-kind so don't wait too long or they might just disappear!
"Happy Easter" Fragrant Pillow and Tussie Mussie - listed HERE - 
Easter Egg Lass Hanging Pillowette and Tussie Mussie - listed HERE -

Blue & Yellow "Kitschy Kute" Easter Basket - $12 (listed here)
This is a vintage plastic basket I altered with blue crepe paper ruffles and vintage lace trim. It has a vintage cab on front in the yummiest of colors and is full of fun crafty treats! There's an "old stock" Easter miniature group still in its original package, a vintage cupcake topper ballerina a bright pink bird and a vintage yellow button. The basket is about 2.5" high and 4" wide (not including the handle). 
Easter Basket & Tussie Mussie Set - $20 (listed here)
This is a fun little set that is perfect for Easter OR for a new baby. The tussie mussie is covered in and the paper ruffle on the basket are made with new old stock vintage wrapping paper! It is the CUTEST paper and I have a whole roll of it that I'll be selling by the sheet, as well. The tussie has pink crepe paper ruffles and a sweet satin bow and handle.
"Hey, Cupcake!" Easter Basket - $20 (listed here)
This one is my favorite...full of so many elements I love! I started with a vintage plastic Easter basket in a yummy teal-blue and added a pink crepe paper ruffle. The top of the handle features a sweet pink bow, punctuated by a sprig of vintage velvet forget-me-nots! And DON'T miss the dear little vintage jewelry on front that matches perfectly. Inside the basket you'll find a YUMMY teal vintage millinery rose and a new and pretty pink rose.

Sweet Pink Glass Bunny Box - $8 (3 available, listed here) These are just DEAR and when I saw them I knew I had to have them. I've have a few to offer YOU, as well! They are about 2.25" tall and about 3" wide. So petite and sweet!

If you "NEED" ;) any of these, just let me know! I'm working on LOADS more Easter goodies so they'll be more soon, but I HAD to show you these today! Here's some pretty things that are inspiring me!

Well Sweets...the baby is up from his nap and will be a fussy-budget for awhile so I will post this quickly! Hope you had a lovely time....I know I did....
BIG HUGS to you....
I love Monday Yummies. I look forward to it each week.
Hi Cheryl, your Easter yummies are delightful!!! i have already been longing for the easter set by Pat {amazing!!!} and the collage by Dawn in the pink box!!! everything else you found is just wonderful too!!! i love all the sweetness from the hope jar...and Jenny's cute as a button collage...your goodies are so darling too, i love what you did with the basket and the little bunny glass box is too too cute!!! thanks for including me...
your Easter memories were such a great addition to your post, thanks for sharing...and yes, your girl does look like her sweet mama!!!
o my gosh everything is just darling!!
love it all!
have a great week!
Cheryl!!!! What a wonderful, fun post so chock full of Easter goodness!!!! Thank you sooooo very much for featuring my artwork you sweetie! I love everything that you featured and your items are just wonderful! Thank you again, Cheryl, I appreciate your encouragement, too! Hope you're having a wonderful week, xxoo, Dawn
Ok....Where was the blinking pink WARNING about tooo much eye candy in one blog post!!? ;)
Thanks so so much for including us in your fabbb show and tell!! Sooo many sweet things!!
and how cute were you?? You can tooootally see the resemblance between you and your daughter..wow! That is so cool isn't it!
Thanks bunches my friend!! You always make me smile!!
Hope you had a great weekend!!
xoxo Jenny
Dear Cheryl,
I just love what you had to say about Easter and your childhood. You have a way of touching people with your words. So sweet. Also the selection of Easter items is over the top. Your creations are just WONDERFUL as they always are and the contributions by the other artist are incredible. I am honored that you would include my egg and pillow in this array. Thank you so much.
Love and hugs,
everything is absolutely splendid! i love the vintage easter images the most i think.
You pillows are Wonderful!
Now, I'm looking forward to Easter!
Sandra Evertson
Lots and Lots of yummies on this post!!! I love the pictures of your little girl and you when you were little. I was reading your previous post about the candy... I can't believe you didn't have candy until you were 4! wow! Your little boy sure did love his first taste!
xo Heather
Hi Cheryl! :) If you aren't already calling your daughter "Mini Me," you should be! Great finds!
Hi Cheryl-
Thank you so much for your sweet comment about Clara, the stuffed bunny I made for my Etsy shop! It's so nice to get positive feedback like that. I'd love to send her to you as a thank you for including her in your blog. Just leave me your address on Etsy conversations if you'd like to have her. By the way, your blog is wonderful and I'll definitely be checking back. Have a great week!
Kelly Martin
Cheryl, I am SERIOUSLY having a SUGAR OVERLOAD ATTACK right now. I swear my heart is beating fast just looking at ALLLLLLLL these Easter pretties! Im COVETING EVERYTHING!!! I cant pick one fave thing I LOVE IT ALL! LOL!!! You tickled me with the postcard of the chickie in the hot air balloon! I jumped on way before take off! LOL!!! Love your gorgeous tussies as always, and the last tussie with the bunny print is the CUTEST!! Ok, must go back and visit everyones store. Im in a impulsive shopping mood now.:) XOXO
LOVE everything!!! sooo fabulous as always!! you have the best taste Cheryl!1 big hug!! Britt
Oh, goodness...what a fabulous and S W E E T Post! So much to see and dream of. Yum. Thanks so much for sharing all these wonderful things.
I am now fully committed to doing something for Easter.:)
xo Lidy
They have the cutest easter baskets at Target! It almost makes me think of Halloween! They are themed like costumes! There's on that made me think of the girlies: it's a pink tutu basket! Super cute!
So many pretty Easter pictures mixed with your lovely memories of Easter! I'm so glad to read it's not all about the bunny, but the bunny can come, too! All your goodies for the day are sweet...how in the world do you find time to find all these lovely artists? Good research!!! Your crafts are so lovely!
Sweetness as always here on your blog! Love your Easter pillow, beautiful!
Hi Cheryl,
What an absolutely FABULOUS list! I'm so honoured to be part of it! :) Sorry for my delay in posting but just got home from vacation last night ... :)
Cheryl, thank you, thank you, thank you for visting all my old blog posts and making such wonderful comments! Awesome! You can e-mail me or leave comments wherever you want to, I love it! Yes, I am selling the little stuffed flower baskets for $12.00 apiece. Just let me know if you're interested. I tried to send this message to you by replying to your .com address but it didn't go through. Let me know the best way to communicate with you! We'll keep in touch! --Cheryl
SO much eye candy!! I love it all!! You and your adorable daughter look so much alike!! We have been Flickr contacts for a long time, but I just found out about your blog! Yay! I have added it to my blog links of inspiring places to visit!!
Hi Cheryl, oh my we just love EVERYTHING on this post! It is all sooo gorgeous!! So exciting to be thinking about decorating for Easter, the colours are so pretty!! Have a lovely weekend Cheryl! Jenn and Jacqui
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