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Timestamp: 2008-02-17 04:21:39 UTC
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Hi there....Can you please tell me who my partner was? I can't seem to find her photos anywhere. I would like to send her a thank you note.Lori
February 15, 2008 6:08 AM

And lastly, since I haven't gotten piccys taken of the last two hostess gifts I haven't show you OR the new things I'm going to be listing in my etsy shoppe next week, I thought I'd show you some pics of my little Andrew's haircut this week. My sister is a hair stylist in L.A. but doesn't get home often enough to keep us all trimmed so we sometimes have to resort to cutting the kidlets' hair ourselves! Daddy gave Andrew a little haircut, which in the past has been pretty much comparable to what it might be like to cut a tetherball's hair (if it had hair!) while it is swinging around the pole. Auntie Jeanette said to try giving him a lollipop. I know, Mama...horrifiying. My sweet Mama managed to keep sugar away from my baby lips until I was FOUR YEARS OLD...I was even sent with a bag of cheerios to Sunday School each week, just in case they were feeding the children cookies at snack time and my birthday cakes were sweetened with the idea of giving my one-year-old a lollipop is pretty much a recipe for a good guilt-trip! But desperate times call for desperate measures and I'm so sorry to say we strapped him into his seat and gave the boy his first lollipop. Let's just say it worked like magic! And YES, that's lollipop drool dripping down his tummy!
After a nice splashy tubby and some warm jammies, we can see the finished product...looks pretty good, Daddy!

The sugar high has worn off and Andrew and Puppy are ready for Night-Night...

Awwwwww he is just gorgeous!!!!! Congrats to Lori, lucky lady!!!
EEEKKK! He looks soo HANDSOME with his big boy haircut!!! WOW! Hubby did a good job. Just a little bribing with a lollipop does the trick. :) XO
Adorable, love the pink ticking "tussie" Cheryl.
Cheryl, what a pecious love bug!!! Complete with cute jammies and loving night-night friend!! keep in touch about the cake shirt, Lori
OOOh I just love Andrew. Doesn't everybody and what a good boy he is and so handsome. He gets more darling every time I see him.
You are so lucky to have such a beautiful family. Love and hugs,
desperate times call for desperate measures. :)
Congrates to Lori, how lucky is she. Love the story about cutie pie Andrew's haircut, my youngest sons (now 9) use to get so upset about his haircuts that he use to breakout in hives, thankfully he doesn't mind now.
Love reading your blog.
Cheers Linda
Oh! What a cutie-pie!
Yes, I think your hubby did a great job.
I did hair for 20+yrs and loved doing children...but sharp objects and moving targets can be a challenge. LOL
Congrats! to the lovely ticking tussie winner!
Oh my! I could just squeeze him! He is so dang cute Cheryl!!!
what a sweetie your little guy is:) he looks just darling with his big boy haircut!!! and there is NOTHING wrong with diversion tactics, the lollipop worked like a charm!!!
congrats to Lori!!!
Your baby boy is so sweet, love his new haircut,what a big boy now!
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