And guess what else happened today? The Fed Ex truck pulled up in front of my house bearing my VERY FIRST shipment of fabric for my new website, Confections Fabric! What a thrill! I have my first 6 gorgeous bolts of yummy fabric sitting right here in my studio, tempting me to make something delicious! I'm going to start putting it in my Confections Fabric etsy shoppe today! I can't wait to open the website in just a few weeks but until then I hope you'll enjoy "Yummies by the Yard" from my etsy shoppe where you will always receive free shipping within the U.S.
Take a look at some of my favorites! Imagine looking at a big, fat bolt of each of these yummy prints...

and look at this delightful "repro" apron pattern. I'll be offering these, as well!
LOTS more in store...this is just the beginning of the yumminess that will be in stock! Check back often since we will be recieving new inventory almost daily!

So....in honor of my blogiversary AND my first Fed Ex trip of fabric ;) I'd like to have a little giveaway! I'd like to offer one of my yummy cake tags to 3 of my "bloggy buddies." Friday morning (California time) I'll choose the 3 by using that random number generator thingie! Here's what you will receive:
Most people who order these are surprised by how big they are in person...they're about 6" in diameter, counting the crepe paper ruffles. They have a little ribbon loop on back which makes them perfect for attaching to a gift or hanging in your yummy studio!

Thank YOU for making this year so special. I value and appreciate each and every one of you. What a delightful, inspiring, fun and loving group you bloggy buddies are!

Thank YOU for making this year so special. I value and appreciate each and every one of you. What a delightful, inspiring, fun and loving group you bloggy buddies are!
Big Hugs and Lots of Love,
p.s. Look what I made with some of the new fabric!!! :) A sweet little "Southern Belle's Church Bag" for a little girl to carry over her arm to church! It's a custom order but I'm putting a listing for another one just like it in my etsy shoppe so if you'd like one, hop on over there! :) I'm going to be making another in the aqua tones, as well as a couple more custom orders so just drop me a note if you'd like to order one, as well. :)

I just think your blog is so darling. You have wonderful taste! And happy anniversary! It's amazing how quickly a year goes by, isn't it?
Have a SWEET day!
Cheryl, I have enjoyed getting to know you this year.
Congrats on your Blogversary! :)
congratulations on your one year of blogging:) your fabrics look yummy indeed!!!
Well....a big CONGRATS on the blog-aversary! Isn't it funny how time flies like that! AND another big CONGRATS on all the exciting news! A fabric shop! heaven. on. earth. I'm sure you will enjoy much success, you have such a good eye for this cottage/shabby style that we all love so much! Nothing but good wishes headed your way!
Smiles, Karen
Congratulations on a whole year of blogging. That fabric is delicious. Oh, please do make a few things to share with us. You are so talented with thread and needle.
Happy Blogiversary Cheryl! I'm looking so forward to meeting you in November!!
congrats on a year girl!!
wow!!!How cool your own fabric store!! i want that cupcake fabric. i can't wait till you open!!
Congrats on your first year! Can't wait to meet you at Silver Bella!
Congrats! Many Happinesses to y'all! Happy 1st Year and many more to come! xxoo diana (cupcakesugar)
Congratulations! You have a beautiful inspiring blog!
Your new fabric is lovely and I adore the vintage repro patterns!
Happy Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful new venture, the fabrics are really yummy, and the apron pattern is just darling. You are going to be a busy lady can't wait to see all the new stuff. Count me in on your giveaway (:
Hugs, Diane
Happy Blog Birthday!! Looking forward for many more to come. Love the new fabrics.
Oh Cheryl, my sweetie pie!!! you made me smile today, BRAVO to you! When I seen your delightful fabric and the darling children and you with your oh so cute short cut it made me all smiles!!And sweerie the fabulous give away, how YUMMY!!! I decided today to hav ethe dredded back surg, one week from Friday. I am scared but I so want my crafty decorating life back! I 'm just sad my Marc won't be here to be my helper through it all! Sending you hugs and love,Lori
Happy Happy one year Cheryl!!!! you are a super sweet girl and I am so happy to have gotten to know you this year.... your blog is beautiful and I wish you SO MUCH success in your new website! xo Heather
Congratulations on your blogaversary and your fabric shop, Cheryl! A fabric shop with nothing but pretty fabric would be a dream come true!
Happy one year!!! So glad you are apart of the blog world!!! The fabrics look fabulous.......And I totally thought that "little" button was about 3" or so.....I would love to win one!
Happy Blogversary! I always think of you as the lady who puts all the yummy stuff, like that beautiful picture of the sewing girls I once used in a swap, on her blog! And now those fabrics! Whow keep on going girl!
Congratulations sweetie on your one year bloggy birthday!!! Can't wait to check out your fabric store and those patterns look so darn sweet!!! xo
Yay! A whole year! The fabrics are beautiful, and the cake tags are super sweet! Your blog gives me a wonderful dose of "girliness" each time I visit! Thank you and congratulations!
Your fabric is just beautiful would love to see what you make from it. Congrats on your anniversary.
Vicki Page
Happy blogaversary Cheryl! Visiting here is always a wonderful treat. Gorgeous fabrics! I can see why they are tempting you.
Wow, I have got to have that darling apron pattern! Best of luck in your store, but with those fabrics you're bound to be a hit! Love the cake tag so please enter my name for your drawing.
I love reading your blog each and every day! Thankyou so much.
Congratulations! I love your blog and am delighted its been a year already. Can't wait to see those yummy fabrics in your shop. I love them!!
How wonderful!!! The fabrics are beautiful. Did you design them? Your blog is so fun to visit, can't wait for what you come up with next!
Hi Cheryl! Happy Anniversary on
your one year of Blogging. I always
enjoy reading your Blog! Best
Wishes always. The fabric is
adorable. : )
Happy Blogiversary Cheryl! I think that your cake tags are adorable and would love to be entered in your giveaway. Good luck with your Etsy store!
HAPPY ONE YEAR SWEETIE!!!! Im truly truly delighted and tickled that we met and became fast friends thru blogging! Your blog is truly one of my FAVORITES and your MONDAY YUMMIES NEVER DISSAPOINTS!!! Im extremely thrilled and happy for you and new new ventures! I know your Confections Fabric is going to be a HUGE success. The samples are soo ME!!! I'll be one of your biggest fans and supporters!
Happy one year! Virtual ((HUGS!)) XOXO,Jenn
Congrats on the blogiversary, sweet Cheryl! Looking forward to meeting you in person in November!
Happy blogiversay to you! I am not surprised at the number of visits. I think your blog is fun.
Congratulations Cheryl on your 1 year anniversary! I am so happy to have found your lovely blog and to have you as a cyber friend. You are mucho talented! Best wishes on your new shoppe!
Congratulations on your blogversary! Your new fabrics look awesome! I enjoy checking your blog. Thanks for the smiles.
Yummy fabrics! Happy One Year! Looking forward to many more to come!
Hi Cheryl,
Congratulations on your achievements. I would be interested to know on how one goes about having fabric made. I have stacks and stacks of ancient fabrics. Would love to share.
Yummy Yummy!!
I love your eye for color!
I also love those cake badges--so darling!
I hope I win!
*squeezing my eyes shut*
Happy Blogiversary!
~Sadie Lou
Oh, I'll definitely be a big customer. Absolutely LOVE the fabrics! Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! Wendy
the fabric is very alluring.. and i simply must have that cake tagg! so frilly and sweet!
happy blogiversary!! xo Britt
have always loved your work and i really love your new fabric!!
Happy Happy Blogiversary!!! You sweet thing you!! Blogland is certainly a prettier, sweeter place with you around!! Thank you so much for all that you share!!
Love ya!!!!
xoxo Jenny..and Aaron
Cheryl, that blue cameo fabric is FABULOUS! I can't wait to see your shop filled up with beautiful fabrics!
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