YUMMY THING FOUR: Vintage Pink Sewing Box

YUMMY THING SEVEN: Tooth Fairy Pillow by Vintage*Cottage*Creations

YUMMY THING NINE: Darling Vintage Doll Bed & Wardrobe

Thanks for popping by, my Sweet Friends...
YUMMY THING NINE: Darling Vintage Doll Bed & Wardrobe
Pat sells on eBay under the i.d. Summerdarling and I often show you her incredible vintage-inspired creations. She is extremely talented and as sweet as can be! You'll love her. She wrote and told me that she liked my very first eBay offering and inspired me to continue creating. That was about two years ago now and what a fun two years it has been!
Go pay Pat a visit at her new blog and welcome her to BlogLand!
And here's just a few of the items I've purchased from her over the last couple years!
I keep my vintage trims and millinery roses in one of these:This was one of my Emily's birthday gifts...a lap desk!
The two pink and white pillows are some I've purchased from Pat. They live on my bed now!
This is a Christmas stocking/decoration I just purchased I can't wait to see in person!
And I just showed you this tote that I purchased the other day...it's going to go in my new studio!
And here's just a sampling of the incredible creations she has for sale right now:
Well that's all for today. Make sure you come back tomorrow for Monday Yummies! I've got all sorts of treats in store for you! And not only that, I've got a little Giveaway annoucment to make...
See you then!
OH and I can't forget...my sweet Mama is giving me her vintage sewing table and sewing box. These are some pics from eBay that I found that are of a table and box that are a similar style to the ones I'm getting. The sewing box has legs, though. I'm thinking of painting them white. I have considered painting them pink but that might be going a bit far. ;)Well Sweets...I'll keep you posted as to what happens. If you don't hear from me it could be (crossing my fingers!!!) we are moving in and that I'm temporarily offline. Hubby says it could be a few days without the computer (gulp). That's rather like hearing that I'm going to have to go without some of my appendages for a few days, but somehow I'll manage! If we DON'T get to move in this weekend, I'll probably be here griping about it....
So say a little prayer for us! :)
Update: Final inspection is scheduled for tomorrow! That's a good sign!!! If nothing comes up on the inspection, we've got the green light!!!
Update: ARGH! It didn't pass inspection! :( Something with the wiring, something else with the AC, and some tractor-work to be done. Soooooooo frustrating!!!
Trying to look on the bright side and tell myself that now I will have time to finish tying up some loose ends, get the last of my Christmas orders shipped to you and sew some curtains for the new house. Trying...still trying....