Hello, Dears! I am sitting on pins and needles (pun intended!) as I wait to find out if all the inspections today are executed in enough time for the county to come out and do THEIR final inspection on our new house tomorrow. If it all works out we will be moving in this weekend and if it doesn't, we will have to wait until next week! So to burn off my nervous energy I thought I'd show you some of the pretties I'm collecting for my soon-to-be-first-ever-very-own-studio! Some I'm collecting "for reals"...as in, I've bought them or own them. Some I'm collecting in my head to inspire me. Hope you enjoy a peek into my virtual studio....

I bought a garland like this a few months ago from this lovely seller. But mine says, "DOLL." :)

And just in case you are wondering why I wanted it to say, "DOLL".... my clothing line for little girls is called "DOLL." :) Here's one of my tags....

And another one for one of my collections of vintage/altered clothing....

This is one of my Christmas presents from my mom (she let me pick some things out!)...
Mom is also getting me this for Christmas! Thanks, Mama! ;) This sweetie is "Charlotte," one of my favorite pieces by Jenny Heid and Aaron Neradke of Everyday is a Holiday (those cupcake people!).

I also picked these out, too. In addition to being a fabric addict I am also a container addict! I found these

I have another item from the
same store very similar to this one that I use for storing trims and things....

And I can't forget about this lovely! I bought a similar one from the fab
Miss Cece Marie a couple months ago and I LOVE it! One can't help but make pretty confections when wearing this:

Here's some vintage images I've found that are inspiring me...

lovely etsy artist drew these darling sketches that I bought months and months ago with my studio in mind:

This is a little vintage Josef figurine I just ADORE that I was watching on eBay and lost track of. :( Crossing my fingers I can find another like her...

This lovely sewing box belongs to the very sweet Hazel of
Blossom Hill Cottons. She says it started out as a vintage silverware box! Love this.

And this is
her studio...

This sweet image is one I found (can't remember where? flickr, maybe??) from a vintage reader. Love the girls working and of course the dolls in the background! Great colors, too.

This studio is one I found a few months ago and it belongs to
Miss Alisha of Posie Gets Cozy. I love it. It is so cheerful, so eclectic and so lovable. So many darling details, don't you think?

Heather Bailey's studio is one of the reasons I'm blogging in the first place. Somehow I stumbled upon her blog, when I hardly knew what a blog WAS, and when I saw
this room....well my jaw dropped open and I was quite simply astounded. This is perhaps closer to my dream studio than any other room I've seen. Loving that pink color, the crown molding, the repurposed vintage furniture and the vintage-but-still-very-fresh style.

This room is inspiring me, too. These photos are from
Miss Jenny Heid's blog, where she talks about a customer named Rosanna, who lives in Italy, and who is quite the collector of the YUMMIEST of handmade treats. I am in awe of her collection, to say the least, as well as how she displays them...incredible, isn't it???

Not sure what fabric I'm going to go with for curtains and that sort of thing but here are my top picks...
OH and I can't forget...my sweet Mama is giving me her vintage sewing table and sewing box. These are some pics from eBay that I found that are of a table and box that are a similar style to the ones I'm getting. The sewing box has legs, though. I'm thinking of painting them white. I have considered painting them pink but that might be going a bit far. ;)

Well Sweets...I'll keep you posted as to what happens. If you don't hear from me it could be (crossing my fingers!!!) we are moving in and that I'm temporarily offline. Hubby says it could be a few days without the computer (gulp). That's rather like hearing that I'm going to have to go without some of my appendages for a few days, but somehow I'll manage! If we DON'T get to move in this weekend, I'll probably be here griping about it....
So say a little prayer for us! :)
Update: Final inspection is scheduled for tomorrow! That's a good sign!!! If nothing comes up on the inspection, we've got the green light!!!
Update: ARGH! It didn't pass inspection! :( Something with the wiring, something else with the AC, and some tractor-work to be done. Soooooooo frustrating!!! 
Trying to look on the bright side and tell myself that now I will have time to finish tying up some loose ends, get the last of my Christmas orders shipped to you and sew some curtains for the new house. Trying...still trying....

Thank you for all the sweet comments, prayers and well wishes. I will keep you posted, of course. Crossing our fingers it will get done next week so the moving-in doesn't have to happen right at Christmas...

Cheryl, what aninspirational post. it will have us all wanting to reorganise or work spaces or to create our own little studios.
Good luck with the County inspection.
Hey sweets! Great post! Sooo many sweet treasures and inspiring studios. LOVE Heather's studio! DROOOL!!!Im wishing ALL goes well with the inspectioin. Can you believe you are going to have a studio soon??? Im sooo jealous!!! ;) Looove the old sewing machine. It's going to be beautiful when you finish it. My vote for the curtains is the Paris Bebe. The blue is soo yummy!
Im going to MISS you when your hubby cuts you off! hee! hee!
Oh Cheryl! Congratulations!! I can't wait to see pics. of your new home!
You'll be in my prayers...
Gorgeous,you lucky thing having all those beautiful gifts from your Mama.Fingers and toes crossed for your move, this weekend. Wow. can't wait to see your new studio. Pinks good for me! Take Care - Rachael
Hi Cheryl, Good luck with the inspection and have fun decorating your new studio! Also, thank you for your kind words in my blog. It means a lot to me!
What wonderful things you've shared today!! Good luck with your home inspection! ~ Lynda xo
Good luck Cheryl! i hope the rain isn't affecting your move. Your studio is going to be so fun and girly with all of that good stuff! Maybe you'll have to invite Analise and I out to visit.
WOWZA!! your studio is going to be fabulous! finally your "own" space. i love mine. so inspiring to be surrounded by all your favorite things!
good luck tomorrow!
jessi nagy
Keeping my fingers crossed for you...green light all the way! I love all your photos today....I have to leave this screen open to come back and study some of the pictures! I think I need a bigger studio...mine is just a bedroom in the house, too small! I do have a studio/painting area in my office but it'd help if everything was all together!
Morning Cheryl!! Oh Cheryl what a sensational post, a work space of our dreams :) Lots of inspiration, thankyou for posting it all to share with us all :) We adore Miss Cece's aprons too, she's a honey! Cheryl we wish you all the very best for your pending move, once you make a start on those boxes all with fall into place :) It's such an exciting time as well to be creating a new Nest, and we KNOW yours will be gorgeous :) Looking forward to reading all about it :) Hugs, Jenn and Jacqui xo
Hi Cheryl, there is a downside to google reader after all...i somehow missed this post...so sorry about the inspection not passing, but i think you agree you want wiring that passes inspection!!! oh your pictures here are just so gorgeous...LOVE the banner and the "doll" tag for your line is oh~so~sweet! and i have always LOVED the pictures of Rosanna's home, i have seen them on three different blogs and WOW!!! i love them beyond words, she has some great stuff...Heather Baileys studio? drool:) and i love the gifties from your mom, she really knows how to shop:)
good luck. the whole moving things is such the pits. i hope it all goes well. and i am super envious of your own space. >:(
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