First of all, I'm a bit embarassed that this is the first chance I've had to talk about a super-fun swap I'm co-hosting with Miss Jenn of Sweet Eye Candy Creations! I'm thrilled to be co-hosting and having a blast creating for my SECRET pal. But I feel bad talking about the swap since it's ALREADY FULL! Jennifer introduced the swap and got it going since I was without the internet until last week and though we hoped for a good turn-out, we were totally shocked that it filled up in a matter of 2 or 3 days! So for those of you who are participating, thank you! And for those of you who might have liked to sign up but missed the opportunity, I'm really not trying to rub it in!!! LOL I have seen all sorts of great Valentine's Day swaps out there in Blogland so poke around and find a good one. I'm happy to point you in the right direction if you're not having any luck finding an open one.

Our swap, which we're calling "Jenn and Cheryl's Secret Admirer Valentine's Swap," is going to be super fun, as well as slightly different from the norm!
* Swap is open for 40 people (eeek! full and then some!). Deadline to sign up is Jan 11th. The swap gift must be mailed by no later than Feb 6th. We want everyone to have their gift by Valentines Day.

* The swap must consist of three Traditional Valentines theme.
- Heart
- Cherub
- Chocolate
- Heart
- Cherub
- Chocolate
* One thing must be handmade- It can include all the elements, two, or just one. It can be an ornament, friendship pin, pretty decorative valentines day box, tussie mussie, ornament, collage, whatever your little heart desires. The chocolate can be a small box of chocolates you buy, or a simple candy bar.
The TWIST to the swap is after everyone has signed up, Jenn and I will draw a name for each of you and tell you WHO you are making your swap gift for and provide you with their home address. However, the receipent will NOT know who the swap gift is from, because the shipping box label will have your return address, but your name is NOT to be on the package, just your return address. Everyone must have their gift by Valentines Day in which we will host a virtual Valentines Day party. On that day all that have participated in the swap must post on their blog pictures of the swap gift THEY made, and WHO their secret admirer IS. The fun part will be searching and visiting EVERYONES blog to see who YOUR admirer is that sent you your swap gift. Does this make sense? RECAP.... We assign you a name, you make and mail the swap gift, but with NO name attached only return address. Than on Feb 14th we have a virtual party, and everyone involved in the swap can post their pictures on their blog of who their secret admirer is they made the gift for. The fun part is searching and looking at all the participants blogs to find YOUR admirer.
We will host a fun Valentines Day party the anyone can attend. Feel free to post pics of your Valentines Day home decor, flowers if you receive them, children, candy, your IDEA of a romantic Valentines date with your sweetie. ANYTHING that fills your heart with love!
THANK YOU KRIS HURST FOR THE ADORABLE SWAP BUTTON!!!! :) Kris has been working on some pretties for me, too, which I can't wait to show you in another post...she is amazingly talented.

My Crazy Desk! I doubt it will ever be anything BUT crazy, except for a few times a year when I get the urge to really ORGANIZE. But that's what this room is for, right?? A place to spread out in....a place to leave unfinished projects out where I can SEE and TOUCH them...a place I can close the door to and come back again later and find everything just as I left it! (Lianne....that's your yummy fabric book there in the wood tote! It's turning out so cute!)

One of my Christmas presents was this "dolls" sign by littlebrownhouse. I love it! My Mama called us "Doll" growing up and now I call my girls my "dolls"....and my clothing line for girls is called "DOLL....for yours"!
My sweet "Chic" hat from Dara and a pair of little ballerina slippers I embellished with vintage and new flowers!
My own "Charlotte" piece by Jenny and Aaron...another wonderful Christmas present I got from my mama! The little ballerina box is something I made recently, too.
And here's a GORGEOUS pillow Pat sent me. It has that same lovely Gutman print! I adore it, Pat. Chenille everywhere and vintage trims, crocheted flowers and pretties everywhere. The chair is one my mom found by the side of the road! I am going to paint it white....or pink....haven't decided. In the background is a vintage sewing machine cabinet my mom gave me that is GORGEOUS. I am seriously considering painting it, as well.
Above is a really fab vintage armoire my mother-in-law gave us that is my new "store"! It has a sweet little hanging area in it that is perfect for hanging my clothing designs, as well as all my packaging materials down below. I have supplies in the drawers, too. It's such a dear little piece and I am thinking about painting the inside of it white and putting some repro decals on the outside of the drawers. 

These are three SCRUMPTIOUS fabric bins by Rachel Ashwell sitting at the ready! I Love having containers to put different projects in. I am a very "fickled" crafter and like to have LOTS of projects going at once. So these will help to contain each project in its own little spot but also have each one VISBLE. Out of sight, out of mind, after all! 

And I've got THESE on my feet.....one of my favorite Christmas presents! I got to shop for myself a bit and when I saw these on etsy I just about screeched. I ADORE this pink ticking pattern, as well as that scrumptious teal "dumb dot" print by Michael Miller. I was hoping I'd like them in person but a little concerned....sometimes ordering shoes online doesn't go so well for me. But oh my gosh....they are WAY cuter in person than in the pics! Rush over HERE and get some for yourself! They are so cute and comfy.

And LOOK AT THIS! I SQUEALED when I opened the package yesterday! This was made for me by my dear friend, Jennifer Pafford, who doesn't have a blog (yet!) but who is soooo very crafty and sweet. She sent me tons of goodies that I don't have photos of yet but I just HAD to show this lovely piece off. I think I have talked her into making custom plaques like this to sell so if you are interested in one of your own, email me and I'll hook you up with Jennifer!

The lighting isn't great here but the frame and the lettering are in the palest shade of green! I just love it. Thank you, Jennifer!
And since I'm on the subject of sewing and crafting, here is my latest tussie mussie! I hand-embroidered this sweet little birdie seamstress from a vintage pattern. I just love how it turned out! The ruffle and yo-yo is in a yummy repro ticking fabric and the button was made/embroidered by me. The "strap" and bow are vintage seam binding. Also included is the sweet pair of vintage scissors and matching thimble in a yummy blue! This darling set would be perfect in your sewing room or studio, don't you think?? I am going to give my blog readers first dibs on this sweetie and then I will put it in my etsy shoppe. It is $40, (that includes shipping for YOU, Sweets!), and includes all 3 pieces you see in the photos....
Hanging in my studio window!
That's my daughter's school across the street!
Well Sweets, that's it for now! I have several shelves for my DH to hang for me and goodies to put on them so I'll have to show you some pics every once in awhile as I make more progress. In the meantime I'll be choosing curtain fabric and making lots of pretties here in my new space...thanks for "visiting" with me here....

yeah your back into the swing of things!
your desk looks great!
im almost done with my secret buddy!
this is going to be so much fun!
I love the new studio!! Very pretty, I also love the idea of the swap sounds very fun!! Glad you are back and what a sweet hubby to let you enjoy your new world!!
My dear Cheryl....OOOh I love your studio. I adore everything you have done with it. Just the grandest place to create and have fun and not to worry if you do not put things away. The bluebird tussy mussy is out of this world....OOOH it is so good to have your back and hear all your sweet comments and all your excitement about your studio and new projects. I am sure everyone has missed you. You are such a darling. Hugs,
Looks like your studio is coming together! Glad you are back! xoxoSandy
Ooooooh, I LOVE the glimpses of your studio!!! It looks so gorgeous!! Those shelves above your desk are SO pretty!!! And I love your armoire 'store', that's such a good idea! Everything looks so organized and inspiring!!! I'm sure there's going to be alot of YUMMY goodies crafted in this room!
*Hugs* Dara
Cheryl. The studio is looking pretty.
Wow school across the road - lucky you, No car pooling for you.
What a fun swap you girls have up and running.
Hi Cheryl, how cute you can see your daughter's school, that is just so lovely! Miss Cheryl you studio is gorgeous, everything is just gorgeous! Your embroidered tussie mussie is so cute, and the armoire, love it! Shoes are sweet too, lol re buying shoes on the internet, not always a good outcome! We are delighted to be in your and Miss Jenn's swap, so exciting :) Have a lovely day Cheryl, so glad you are back! Jenn and Jacqui
oh Cheryl, your studio is SO very sweet!!! you sure have some wonderful GOODIES in there! your tussie is just precious! and HORRAY!!! i made it into the swap:) this one i just had to do, you girls cooked up a fun one:)
Awwwwww...I LOVE the little sweet corners of your studio! Im sooo trilled for you that you now have a place to call your own! With all your sweet treasures and pretties it's comming along beautifully so far. Cant wait to see more pics! HUGGIES!!!XO
Welcome to your new Nest! There is something so fun about putting all your old treasures in a new place!
I am sorry I missed your swap! I will have to travel around on the big reveal day and check out all of the fun! Your studio is looking great so far and I love your desk!( with kids around those dings would probably have come any way hehe) Have a great week!
HI Cheryl!!
OMGGGGG!! I love that little sign that says ROSEY POSEY...I think I'm gonna make myself a Sugar*Sugar one!!
Your studio is AWESOME!! Hope you are having a blast setting everything up!!
Wow! It is all fabulous. Your studio is amazing. I am a new crafter and I desperately need an inspirational space. Thanks for the inspiration!
Cheryl, i love your pretty desk and all the pretty treasures you have around it. I'll bet you'll be turning out all kinds of "good things" from that cute spot!
Lovely, lovely, lovely, your new studio looks wonderful, well what you showed us! I am so envious of those shoes, I will get some at some stage . . . soon:) Your tussy as always is divine:)
I love your new studio Cheryl! Full of so much wonder and delight. I'm very excited for your swap. I'll be working on my stuff this weekend. I love the idea of keeping your ongoing projects in open bins - might have to borrow that idea myself!
Love your swap idea! I missed out on all Feb 14th things. Boo Hoo
I love the embroidery idea! I adore embroidery!
Glad you too are back and hope you are well!
With Kindness,
Yipee! I'm so so happy for you! In your new nest, your lovely new studio! Isn't having your own space such a blessing! I appreciate mine every day! Well, your space is darling; of course! Best wishes sweet Cheryl! I really really value your advice and have taken it to heart! Thank you! Hugs, Cece
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