Monday, May 5, 2008

Yummy Monday: Craft Lust

Hello, Sweets! I know, I's late Monday and I've been a bad Yummy Monday Tour Guide. But here I am, better late than never with a line-up of yummy craft supplies for you to lust over, right along with me! They're all in my favorite colors and seriously make my mouth water.

Want to see?

So here we go, Sweet Bloggy Buddy.... Cyberspace, here we come!

YUMMY THING ONE: Aqua Satin Millinery Roses by Caramelos

Wasn't that de-lish? I want it all.

Hope you have a lovely Monday evening, Sweets!



p.s. My Mother's Day heirloom book ends tomorrow on eBay. Go here if you want to see more!


Alison Gibbs said...

Cheryl thanks for Yummy Monday

Adla said...

mmmm yummy mondayd indeed, am always looking for ledger paper:)

Lori said...

those are great...most of what i buy these days is supplies, and you found some goodies!!!

Jessi Nagy said...

mmm, i love it all,. i have so many of these goodies. love my sea dream tickets. she rocks.
thanks doll.

Anonymous said...

Yeh!! Yummy Monday! It's always my favorite!! Thanks for all the eewie, gooie sweetness!!!