Monday, March 24, 2008

A Little Hiatus...

Hello, Sweet Bloggy Pals! Did you have a lovely Easter? I hope so! Much fun was had by all in my little clan but I have to say I am breathing a big sigh of relief....PHEW... What with the little tea party and then Easter so close together, I'm exhausted.

And so I am going to take a bit of a break...from blogging, from custom orders and from the computer, to an extent. If you have already placed an order or if you and I have been talking about an order you're about to place, don't you worry! I'm going to of course fill those orders. But I won't be taking new (custom) orders for about 3 weeks...probably mid-April sometime. You may of course buy things from my etsy shoppe during that time and I will ship promptly, just like usual, but I won't have anything "custom" in my shoppe during this little hiatus. I may pop on here with some pics of swaps, both given and recieved during this time "away," but I won't be blogging regularly.

This little break will be good for me, I think! Though I can't take a vacation from life, I can and do give myself small breaks...going out to coffee with a friend, wandering JoAnn's in circles like a crazy dog we once had who just ran laps around our backyard until he'd have to stop and take a nap. I think it's important that we give ourselves permission to drop some balls where we can sometimes. And this is one ball I ADORE, love and completely enjoy, but that CAN be dropped for a little while. My friend, Analise, has been on a little break from her blog and shoppe, and listening to her talk about what that break means for her, I am optimistic that time away from a lot of the blogging/selling part of things may give me a new, fresh take on what I do. I hope I come back positively BURSTING with new ideas and OVERFLOWING with creative inspiration.

But besides taking a break for a break's sake, I am going to be preparing for something new and exciting that is coming up that I can't tell you about quite yet.... OH I know I can't stand it when people say that but I DO want you to be a bit curious about what it is hehe! Isn't that mean??? ;) And believe me, I'm totally DYING to tell you all about it. For those of you who "know" me in real life, I'M NOT PREGNANT! Have to just say that!! This is a new venture in my little "business" that I am a bit nervous about but really, really excited about and thrilled to be part of. Mysterious and intriguing, is it not?? Hehehe (evil laugh)... So I'll be back in a few weeks to tell you more!

I'll be responding to emails so please don't hesitate to comment here and/or email me during my little "break"!



Rebecca said...

Yes, we all need a break. I hope you truly enjoy yours and come back relaxed and rejuvenated with lots of wonderful ideas, no doubt!

Take care!
Hugs and Blessings,

Jennifer said...

i hope you have a relaxing and sustaining break. your family is lovely.


Alison Gibbs said...

Have a great break.
Enjoy 'recharging your batteries'
Something we all need to do every now and then

Natasha Burns said...

Hope you enjoy your well deserved break Cheryl! Hope you and your gorgeous family had a great Easter. Love the pics of your daughter's tea party!!! Can't wait to hear what this thing is!!! I'm excited for you!

Lori said...

love the Easter pics of the kiddies, they are adorable!!!
i have been pondering a little break myself, as i am a bit un~inspired right now...maybe pretty soon...
and you are really a tease, you know that? can't wait to hear your exciting news!!!

Lori said...

Cheryl, Do what helps! I'll be thinking of you and the kiddies! I will email you later. Love ya all,Lori

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl! Taking a break always helps to clear the mind...Recharge your batteries and enjoy yourself! Can't wait to hear the news!!! Talk to you soon! Karin

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Hi Cheryl... yes we all need a break from things sometimes! I am happy to hear you had a wonderful Easter! Your little ones look adorable as do you and your sisters! I always dreamed of having lots of sisters.

xoxo Heather

Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Cheryl,
I love all the photographs from Easter of your family. How sweet they are. I also loved the tea party photos. I think a break is always a good thing and gives us a new lease on life. I know you will be bursting with wonderful new ideas when you return and I cannot wait to hear about your secret. Love and hugs,

Jennifer Hayslip said...

Sweeeeeet Easter pics Miss Rosey Posey. Being that you have alot on your plate and have been a busy girl, I think it's a fabulous idea that you take a little break. Even tho' Im SERIOUSLY going to miss my Monday Yummies. It will do you much good and hopefully you will dream up BUNDLES of YUMMY sweet ideas when your ready to reconnect again. Cant wait to find out what this mystery is? ;)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your wee break! I can't wait to find out what your new venture is, how exciting! Lovely photos by the way! What a darling family!

Little Pink Studio said...

Oh come on, can you just tell me?? I won't tell! LOL
Enjoy your break sweetie!
~Cerri xoxo

Diane Mars said...

Have a wonderful break relax and enjoy your children. The picture of you and your sisters is very sweet. I am one of 5 girls and we have 2 brothers. We have had lot's of fun. Happy Spring Break (:
Hugs, Diane

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful break! Can't wait to see what you have dreamed up!! Love the Monday yummies! (I'll just have to read thru some of the older posts!!)
Take Care!

Sarah said...

Enjoy your break!

Sarah said...

oh yeah...cute family pics!

Monica said...

Have a wonderful relaxing break. WE all need a little downtime every now and then . Can't wait to hear your exciting news!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, you've got such a beautiful family Cheryl!! I TOTALLY know what you mean!!! I need a break, too!!! LOL!
I can't wait to see what it is you're up to!!! :)

Love, Dara

Loving My Life said...

Looks like you all had a great Easter!