Monday, March 17, 2008

Yummy Monday...on Tuesday!

Happy Monday, Sweets.... on Tuesday! Once again I'm a bit late with this week's Yummy Monday much going on here and I am honestly a bit overwhelmed. All fun stuff, of course! A lot of this is due to me saving things 'til the last minute and feeling the strain of it all piling up on top of one another. I'm jumping through a few too many hoops, Sweets....they are pretty hoops and I do enjoy the jumps....but a girl gets a bit weary if she doesn't take a rest now and again! Want to hear what I'm up to?? :)

Well....since you asked...My mother and I are brainstorming about a cake for Rachel's birthday party Friday, which as you may remember is going to be a "Tea Party." We think we have it figured out...we're going to bake a bundt cake and then put something in the center of the cake in the hole and then set a little teapot up on top of that something BEFORE icing/decorating the cake. This will create the illusion of the teapot actually sitting ON the cake without risking the cake getting smashed by the weight of the teapot.

I'm also still figuring out the details of the party itself. It's going to be quite the little photo opportunity, what with all the girls dressed up and drinking "tea" out of real teacups!
Between now and Friday, I'm going to be getting my house a bit cleaner and of course picked up before the party, putting treat bags together, making sure I have all the elments ready for decorating both the girls' table, as well as the dolls' table (each girl is going to bring a doll and THEY are going to have tea, as well!) and working out all sorts of other details that go into a little party. HOW IS IT that I forget that parties are so much work? I was beginning to wonder if this was all just too much but then Emily, my six-year-old was reminiscing out loud about a couple of her birthday parties and how great they were. That took care of any equivocations I might have had! THAT is why I put so much work into these little affairs....the memories my girls can hold on to in the future!
I've also got several swaps on the brain and have little bits and bobs and pretties arriving in the mail each day in readiness for these fun swaps. It is quite inspiring to be surrounded by lovely elements for these projects. The bunnies are part of my Easter/Spring decorating but they just hopped on over and sat down on the vintage satin seam binding!I also got a fun surprise in the mail...a sweet giveaway I won at Sarah Keith's yummy blog! Can't wait to relax with some tea this evening and page through these magazines. And look at the gorgeous tag she made. I think I'm going to use it as focal point in a project I have going that I am not ready to show you quite yet.Thank you, Sweet Sarah!

Well it's that time, Sweets! YUMMY MONDAY time! Since I've got creative bits, bobs, doo-dads and thingies on the brain, I thought I'd share some of what is inspiring me.

Hop on in my little cyber car, Sweet Friend, and away we go....
YUMMY THING ONE: Pure Silver Glitter by Pretty Petals
First and foremost....glitter! This is the ONLY glitter I want to use for the rest of my crafting life! Well o.k....maybe in heaven when I'm working at that Great Big Crafting Table in the Sky I will be using pure diamond dust. But until then I'll be quite happy with Sweet Miss Heather's version! ;)

YUMMY THING TWO: Pink Dresden Wings by MemrieMare
Pink wings??? Need I say more???
YUMMY THING THREE: Cabbage Roses Ribbon by Memriemare
What yummy ribbons. The colors, as well as the presentation are just DELICIOUS.
YUMMY THING FOUR: Jeune Mariee Beautiful Scraps by Memriemare
So beautiful...
These lovely ribbon roses are handmade and make my heart beat faster just thinking about them! YUMMY THING SIX: Large Lace Package by Collage Artist
What a lovely pile of gorgeous-ness...
You must check out this store. Holy Smokes! Some vintage, some hand-dyed...but all GORGEOUS.

YUMMY THING EIGHT: Vintage Lace on a Spindle by Vintage 1955

There's something about old spindles. And put some vintage trim on them and....let's just say, "You had me at SPINDLE." (Jerry McGuire reference there, in case you're wondering if I've officially gone off the deep end)

If you haven't checked out Alpha Stamps, you MUST. So much more than stamps!

Alpha Stamps also has some really incredible collage sheets. But this one is really making my mouth water...
Hope this trip was even a little bit inspiring for you, Sweets! Happy creating!!!
p.s. Once I get my head above water, I promise I'm going to have a bit of a shoppe update for you!


Jennifer Hayslip said...

Oooh Im soo excited about Rachels upcomming tea party. It takes alot of planning and work setting up for a party, but SO worth it!!! I can only imagine how SWEET the girls are going to look all dressed up with their dollies!!!! FUN! FUN! FUN! Love the bundt cake idea! Take lots and lots of pics. We will all be waiting with bated breath! (where did that term come from. lol!)
Im in lace and glitter heaven!!! Im SO glad you post these inspiring yummies. Some of these shops I've never heard of and now I have a new source. :) HUGGIES! XO

LiLi M. said...

Hi! Due to timedifference I didn't even notice it is Tuesday with you as well. I love yummy Mondays. Thanks for inspiration again! Have fun with organizing your daughters birthday party! I loved to do that for my daughter, but she's 14 now and doesn't need Mummy to have fun (on the contrary!!). Have a nice and inspiring week!

Anonymous said...

A tea party, how sweet!!! I can't wait to see the pics. Thanks so much for all the eye candy! Can't wait to visit all these places. I love Yummy Monday any day of the week!!!

Adla said...

I love parties especially the ones for the little ones.Happy Organizing and look forward to see pictures once its done!

And Thank you for featuring my laces. with all the other kind of you Cheryl:)

chat soon, Adla

Dede Warren said...

Your daughters party sounds as though it is going to be wonderful! I can't wait to see the darling photos that are sure to come from it. Have fun and enjoy it all, time passes so quickly.

Sarah said...

oooh! Yummy things over at Vintage 1955. I went over to her etsy shop and bought some spoons! Glad your goodies made there way in the mail to you safe and sound! Enjoy your magazines....hello little tag!
Can't wait to see your daughters tea party. My daughters tea party is next week.

Unknown said...

Hi Cheryl,

Oddly enough, we don't only share the same name, but my youngest daughter
is named Rosey, and we spell it as such. That spelling has raised an eyebrow or two, but it's sweet and we love it.
I discovered your blog via "sugar,sugar" and I'll be a daily visitor. I know that the universe is always whispering in our ears.
Rosey's Mom
Cheryl (in South Carolina)

Natasha Burns said...

I bet Rachel is going to have the best fun party ever!!!
LOVING the "Tuesday" yummies!!

Jessi Nagy said...

a tae party! how fab!!
such beautiful things today!
thanks for sharing!!

Lori said...

Rachel's tea party sounds so sweet:)

you and i are on the same wave~length:) i was just on etsy and did some happy shopping with two of the girls you mentioned...and i already have some of Heather's very yummy glitter, LOVE it!!!

Stacy/Creativemuse said...

WOW thank you for mentioning me I just love your blog! I'm sure you know!...I love doing tea parties too and was going to do a just because it's spring for the kiddos...I Love to make a Macaroon Topiary super easy think I saw it on semi homemade with sandra lee...take stryofoam cone wrap in aluminium foil paint with melted white choc. dry then dip your macaroons into melted white choc attatch to cone..start at bottom work up smoosh as needed for top ...put in cute urn or fix with pencils or dowels to strofoam in base top with lovely wired ribbon bow and voila super easy super bang for buck...Trader joes has the macaroons in the tubs!!! ck to seee if too toasted...there waffel cookies, merigunes, and madalines are great tea cookies too! to you and yours...oh one more the kiddos love...white bread cream cheese brown sugar sprinked and shaved choch tea sandwiches!
Love to you and yours

Heidi said...

You party sounds delightful, I hope we'll see pictures!

Thanks for the ride shopping, that was fun, you pointed out some great finds!


Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

What delicious offerings. So very good for my sweet tooth!


Alison Gibbs said...

Oh it makes me want a 'Big Girls' tea party!
Such fun for the little girls

Fete et Fleur said...

Thank you for all the wonderful yummmies.
Blessings to you and may wonderful ideas and resources be yours for the planning of this beautiful birthday party!
Hugs! Nancy

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Hi Cheryl... I cannot wait to see the photos from this tea party! OH it will be so fun and worth all the work. It is so much work getting ready for a party!

Thanks for sharing my glitter on your super yummy tuesday!!!

xoxo Heatehr

Betty said...

So many pretty things to look at, as always. I need to go shopping! I hope your daughter's tea party turns out wonderful. How fun!! The last tea party I gave for my daughter was her bridesmaids luncheon. Just think what you have to look forward to.

Cheryl Miller said...

The tea party sounds divine! Take lots of pics! And all that vintage-y trim?? I think I'd just frame them instead of using them! Gorgeous!