YUMMY THING ONE: Cupcake Pants from Wal Mart!
Aren't these the cutest????

YUMMY THING FIVE: Strawberry Shortcake Dolls!
Last night sister, Ray, gave Emily two new Strawberry Shortcake dolls that are both currently "too busy" to have their photos taken. They have kept the little people around here quite busy all morning, Aunt Ray! Woo-hoo! It brings back so many memories...I was a Strawberry Shortcake FANATIC as a child. I had a SSC (I just can't keep typing "Strawberry Shortcake"!) bedroom, which included sheets, bedspreads, pillows, floor rug, huge strawberry-shaped toybox, the gi-NORMOUS SSC dollhouse...need I go on? Somewhere there is a photo of me dressed up as SSC with a HUGE plastic SSC hat. Strawberry Shortcake was the Polly Pocket of the 80's, at least in my world. Happiness was being able to locate every single shoe, green-striped pair of tights and "pet," which needed to stand next to the appropriate owner during play. Yes I was THAT kind of little girl!
Since the new dolls are currently (very happily, I might add) playing quietly in their bedroom I went looking online for photos of these new dolls since they are quite adorable and yummy! I couldn't find the exact ones Ray gave Emily but I did find some similar ones to show you. But in my searching I also found a site with vintage SSC dolls! JUST EXACTLY the ones I played with!! Look at the 1982 version next to its 2007 counterpart:

Brings back SUCH fond (and YUMMY!) memories! Next time you're in Target, take a jaunt down the pink and purple aisle and stick your nose in the new SSC boxes...now THAT'LL take you back!
Last but not least, here's the yummiest of yummies...Andrew!
Well that's it! I hear said little dumpling waking up from his nap. But this has been SUCH a lovely visit, hasn't it? Hope your Saturday is wonderful...
p.s. One last yummy just came! Look (I just squealed that "look!") at this sweeter-than-sweet little miniature cake!!!

Rosalind and Sugar are just delighted, as am I! I have a plan for this little cake, but of course you'll have to wait and see what it is! And be sure and check out the "Fairy Dreams" heirloom book I have in my eBay auctions, which includes Rosalind and Sugar...no bids yet, low starting price and no reserve! What a sweet treat it would make for you or someone special!
I love love love the strawberry shortcake stuff! I'm glad they're such a hit! I love love love the pic of you and Andrew:) Love ya!
YUMMMY! Your Blog is always a feast for the eyes!!!
I cannot wait to see what transpires from that gorgeous fabric and lace for Ava's auction! You are an angel Cheryl!
I vote for the yumming thing #6. That would be sweet Andrew!
Cheryl, Omigosh you and Andrew look soooo too sweet for words! Oh, I could just eat him up!!! You look GORGEOUS btw! I just LOVE checking in and seeing all of your yummies. You always have the BEST sweet friend!
Those cheeks!!!!! I can't stand it!! :) So glad your package made it in one piece. Carlos put it in the mailbox. But before I could do anything he was smashing it in the opening because the package was a bit too big. I thought "it's destroyed"..... :) Thought you might like the surprise! Talk to you soon!
Oh thank you, Friends! :)
Hello Cheryl, what a surprise, treats on a Saturday, and gorgeous treats at that!! SCC looks nothing like the ones I had, lucky my daughters haven't seen them yet, I don't think I have room for them and my crafting stuff, somethings gotta give, maybe I can do a trade off with them, they can swap something for a new something! Hmm that won't work, they will try and give away their brother!!! Anyway what a gorgeous photo of your little one and YOU!! OK note to self, there will me no photo of moi appearing any time soon on our blog! lol ok off to read the next post! TTFN Linda Lilly Cottage.
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