Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Big Reveal!

So you know how I've been hinting in this reaaaallly annoying way about my "Two Big Surprises"? Well I'm going to reveal BOTH of them today and I'm super excited! So here we go....are you ready....drumroll, please....



Amy Powers of Inspire Co., starting today, is featuring me as her newest Inspiredfriend for the next two weeks! Go HERE to check it out! She's written the SWEETEST bio about me, has her shoppe stocked with goodies I made especially for her customers and is featuring my special "freebie," which is perfect for Mother's Day. Isn't that exciting? I have been on pins and needles, waiting for today. I am so very honored to have been asked by Amy to be one of her "friends." If you've never visited Inspire Co., or even if you have, you must go see my feature, as well as Amy's really beautiful, artful "magazine" that she updates every two weeks. So many lovely projects, ideas and gorgeous inspiration! Stop by and tell Amy I sent you! She is so very sweet and one of my favorite people I've "run into" here in cyber space.
While I'm talking about my Inspire Co. feature, I want to point out that mixed in with my goodies on Inspire Co. is a few incredibly sweet "suitcases," made by one of my dearest friend, Jennfer Pafford. She and I "go way back" but she moved a couple years ago so we keep in touch by phone, email and the occasional visit. Jennifer and I also send one another gift boxes here and there and I always tell her that she needs to sell some of the lovely things she makes for me. So she is! I sent Amy Powers of Inspire Co. a few of Jennifer's suitcases which you can find here. And Jennifer has now opened an etsy shoppe where you can find more of her suitcases. Go check it out!

Are you ready for the next "reveal"?


I'm opening an online fabric store, It is still under construction but it's "so close you can taste it!" and there's the sweetest of home pages, designed by my sweet friend, Linda of Lola&Dahl. She's also designed my eBay ME page, my clothing line's hang-tags and even my etsy banner. Everything she makes is just ADORABLE. The web site is due to open July 1st and will be your one-stop-shoppe for the YUMMIEST of fabrics and sewing notions, Vintage Bakery style! I will be stocking the MOST DELICIOUS of fabrics from lots of different fabric houses, including some little-known companies and even some vintage fabric. The best part is you will enjoy FREE SHIPPING, all the time, no matter what size your order is, within the U.S. Here's just a few of the prints we'll be carrying in just a matter of weeks....

I can hardly wait 'til July, can you? Well if you HAFTA HAVE some yummy fabric stop by the "etsy arm" of my fabric store HERE where I have just a teeny-tiny sampling of some "slurpity" prints and notions to whet your appetite. Today is the grand opening! Just like the web site, my etsy shoppe offers FREE SHIPPING on all fabric and notions. Skip over to Confections Fabric on etsy and get your Sugar-High!

Oh my! I'm so excited about both of these I could go run around the block! So instead I'll post this and then run around cyberspace a few times...


Cheryl :)


Sadie Lou said...

I'm the FIRST Comment!!
I hope nobody comments while I type! I am soooo excited for you! I have always wanted to open a retail shop but the start up cost is ridiculous and it's way to time consuming--HOWEVER--an *online* boutique is so doable for us moms!
I'm super duper impressed you are over at Inspire Co.
Good for you Cheryl!
*Hugs & Kisses*

Jessica said...

Oh, my - LOVE it all!!!

Anonymous said...

Cheryl, this is such exciting news! First of all to be featured on inspire co, awesome! I'm pumped about your new fabric store. Yay! Congratulations, sweet Cheryl. Office tonight! I missed last week's so i have to watch it on the internet sometime today. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl!
Congratulations to you. The feature was fabulous. You are very talented. Much fun and prosperity to you on your new endeavor.
Cheryl of ValiseQueen

leesiebella said...


OMG, I am so proud to know you! The feature on InspireCo is to die for, it is utterly FABULOUS!! Everything looks just divine!!!!

HUGE congrats on your new website and etsy shop!!! Can't wait for the big grand opening!!



Jessi Nagy said...

WOW!!! so a many awesome reveals today!! congrats on amy's i will go check it out!!
and your fabric store is going to be fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Miss Cheryl!!! I'm so excited for you!!! For both the lovely feature on Inspire Co. and your new shop!!! I can't wait to see all the wonderful new goodies you're going to offer!!! :)

*huggies* Dara

Unknown said...

Congratulations! What exciting new things! You are one of the "sweetest" girls on the internet! I am wishing you all kinds of success!

Alison Gibbs said...

Oh Cheryl How exciting for you.
2 wonderful things 'happening' for you.

Secondhandrose said...

Congratulations! Can't wait for the July opening.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Looking forward to everything! Enjoy! Julie

Unknown said...

Congrats! These are both so exciting and I can't wait to see your fabric store and I loved your Feature that Amy did on you - it's all just so lovely!!

Jennifer Hayslip said...

OOH HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!! Yipee!!! Congrats sweetie! You feature truly is so sweet and beautiful. Amy did and EXCELLENT job! Im thrilled that you opening an online fabric shop. The color of the fabric are just yummylicious! I also like FREE SHIPPING too! ;) So happy for you sweets!!! HUGGIES!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! This is awesome!! Congrats to you! I wish you all the success in the world!!

Stacy/Creativemuse said...

Congrats for you!!! I am so Excited how wonderful you must be so thrilled...You are an inspiration to have time to create and dream and be a mommy and wife too awesome!

Michele said...

What great news!!! You must be so excited with all the new happenings...and busy too! You deserve it, Cheryl, love your "stuff."!!!!
Best Wishes -

Anonymous said...

so incredible !!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are awesome girl !!!! and a new store !! yeah !!! you are so talented !!! congrats and good luck with the store !!

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie! Just had to drop by and tell you how THRILLED we are for you, we are beyond excited and wish you EVERY success and happiness in your new venture! And at Inspire Co, your feature is beyond gorgeous and so so cute! Congratulations! Cheryl, it's time to open the bubbly!!!

Huge hugs and much love,
Jenn and Jacqui xoxo

Anonymous said...

Such exciting things happening over here Cheryl - couldn't happen to a nicer gal!


Heather - Speckled Egg said...

LOVE your oodies at Inspire Co!!! And a huge conrats for your upcoming fabric store! So exciting!!!!